Influence – Part 4

August 1, 2018
Bible Text: Malachi 2:1-9 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1639 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]

The Power Of Christ

July 29, 2018
Bible Text: Philippians 1:21 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1633 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]
Bible Text: Acts 1:1-8 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1631 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]

Leading Others

July 25, 2018
Bible Text: Malachi 2:1-8 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1630 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]
Bible Text: Malachi 2:1-9 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1623 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]

Walking With God

July 15, 2018
Preacher: Pastor James Pauley | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1619 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]

Caught In The ACTS

July 15, 2018
Bible Text: Acts 1 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1617 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]
Bible Text: Galatians 2:20 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley | Series: The Church With A Vision | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3…

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