God or Government

December 19, 2018
Bible Text: Acts 5:27-32 | Preacher: Morris Tyree | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/faithkannapolis/2018-12-19_chapel/ width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1831 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]


November 14, 2018
Bible Text: Romans 5, 6 | Preacher: Morris Tyree | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/faithkannapolis/2018-11-14_chapel/ width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1764 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]


October 31, 2018
Bible Text: Romans 6:23 | Preacher: Morris Tyree | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/faithkannapolis/2018-10-31_wed/ width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1747 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]
Bible Text: Romans 6:23 | Preacher: Morris Tyree | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/faithkannapolis/2018-10-31_chapel/ width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1745 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]
Bible Text: Romans 6 | Preacher: Morris Tyree | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/faithkannapolis/2018-10-24_chapel/ width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1734 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]

The Old Man Is Dead

October 17, 2018
Bible Text: Romans 6:6 | Preacher: Morris Tyree | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/faithkannapolis/2018-10-17_chapel/ width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1722 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]

Battle The Body Of Sin

October 3, 2018
Bible Text: Romans 6:1-7 | Preacher: Morris Tyree | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/faithkannapolis/2018-10-03_chapel/ width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1697 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]

Be Baptised

September 26, 2018
Bible Text: Acts 2:38 | Preacher: Morris Tyree | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/faithkannapolis/2018-09-26_chapel/ width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1693 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]

The Domino Effect of Change

September 19, 2018
Bible Text: Mark 1:14-15 | Preacher: Morris Tyree | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/faithkannapolis/2018-09-19_chapel/ width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1685 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]
Bible Text: I Timothy 1:1-11 | Preacher: Morris Tyree | STREAM SERMON AUDIO [mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/faithkannapolis/2018-06-27_wed/ width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 hide_artwork=1 light=1] SERMON MP3 [wpdm_package id=1602 template="link-template-default-wdc.php"]

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