Joshua The Day The Sun Stood Still May 29, 2016 Bible Text: Joshua 10:10-14 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley | Series: Joshua " type="audio/mp3">
Joshua Walking By Faith May 22, 2016 Bible Text: Joshua 9:1-14 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley | Series: Joshua " type="audio/mp3">
Joshua Blessings or Cursings May 8, 2016 Bible Text: Joshua 8:30-35 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley | Series: Joshua " type="audio/mp3">
Joshua The Valley of Decision May 1, 2016 Bible Text: Joshua 8:1-13 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley | Series: Joshua " type="audio/mp3">
Joshua Sin In The Camp April 24, 2016 Bible Text: Joshua 6:18-20; 7:1-5 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley | Series: Joshua " type="audio/mp3">
Joshua The Captain Of The Team April 10, 2016 Bible Text: Joshua 5:13-6:5 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley | Series: Joshua " type="audio/mp3">
The Captain Of The Team April 3, 2016 Bible Text: Joshua 5:13-15 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley " type="audio/mp3">
The Doctrine of Circumcision March 20, 2016 Bible Text: Joshua 5:8-12 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley " type="audio/mp3">
The Doctrine of Circumcision March 13, 2016 Bible Text: Joshua 5:1-10 | Preacher: Pastor James Pauley " type="audio/mp3">